Monday, February 27, 2006


Bahrain Government = Thumbs Down

Friday, February 24, 2006

Detainee Story

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وصلاة وسلام على سيدنا محمد و آله الطاهرين
و آلعن الدائم على أعدائهم إلى قيام يوم الدين

في الزيارة الأولى لمُعتقل الرأي و الحرية الأخ حسن عبد النبي حسن 24 عاما من قرية سترة .
صرح أنه و بعد محاكمتهم الجائرة تم نقلهم إلى سجن جو ، حيث تم هناك تفريق المُعتقلين إلى سجون مُختلفة حيث لا يمكنهم رؤية كل منهم الأخر ، و أما عنه فقد وضعوه في حجرة مع مُعتقلين جنائيين ياعنون من أمراض و إلتهابات جلدية كـ "الجرب" و الحساسية و الحكة ..... ) و مُجرمين مُدانين بالقتل و المُخدرات ، الأمر الذي أثر سلباً على نفسيته داخل المُعتقل ، فطالب بنقله إلى عنبر أخر ، لكنهم رفضوا طلبه ، فأضرب عن الطعام فوضعوه في سجن إنفرادي الأمر الذي أسهم في زيادة تردي أوضاعه الصحية فضلاً عن النفسية .

و بعد مرور يومان داخل السجن الإنفرادي و أضرابه عن الطاعم سقط من شدة المرض و الجوع ، مما أظطرهم إلى نقله إلى مُستشفى العسكري ، و بعد مُعاينته من قبل الطبيب قرر ـ أي الطبيب ـ بقاؤه في المستشفى "ترقيده" لمتابعة العلاج و وضعه تحت المراقبة قحالته الصحيةلسيئة جداً ، إلا أنهم ـ أي موظفوا الأمن ـ رفضوا بقاؤه في المُستشفى و أصروا على إخراجه و إعادته إلى السجن .

وعندما سأل المُعتقل حسن الطبيب : هل ستسمح لهم بأخذي قسرا إلى المُعتقل "السجن" ؟ أجاب الطبيب : بأنه لا يُمكنه إجبار المريض على البقاء في المُستشفى ولا إجبار المسؤول عن المريض أخذه من المُستشفى ، غير ان من يعارض مُشورته لابد لهُ من توقيع تحملهُ مُسؤولية تبعات إخراجه إذا تردى وضعهُ الصحي .

فأنتظر موظفوا الأمن وقت تبديل الزامات وتم تغيير الطبيب المُناوب و حضور طبيب هندي الجنسية ، و طلبوا منه تقرير يسمح لهم بأخذه دون الحاجة إلى بقاؤه "ترقيده" بالمُستشفى، فصرح لهم بذلك .

وهو الأن يعاني من ضعف شديد في المستوى الصحي و النفسي و الجسدي .
و إننا إذ نحمل السلطة المعنية المسؤولية الكاملة مما يعانيه المعتقل حسن عبد النبي حسن ، وما قد يترتب على هذه المُعاناة الأليمة ، كما و نناشد جمعيات حقوق الإنسان و الجهات المعنية و الجمعيات الأهلية للقيام بواجبهم أتجاه المعتقلين و مساندة المعتقل للخروج من هذه المُعاناة الأليمة و مد يد العون و المُساندة لتحسين ظروفهم داخل المُعتقل .

ما ضاع حق وراءه مُطالب
اهل المعتقل حسن عبد النبي حسن


Trasnelation is:

Upon the first visit to the detainee Hassan A.Nabi Hassan (24 yrs) from Sitra, he stated that after the unjust sentence given by the court, they (the others sentenced with him) were transferred to Jaw prison where they have been taken to separate cells where they cannot see one another.

As for Hassan, he was placed in a cell with convicts suffering skin diseases (itching, allergies), and murder and drug convicts which has affected him tremendously.

He requested to be transferred to a different area, but was refused. So he began a hunger strike, and because of that he was sent to an isolated cell, which affected his health.

After two days in isolation and on hunger strike, he fell unconscious as a result to hunger and health problems. The police were forced to take him to the hospital to be treated by a doctor. The doctor advised him to stay to continue his treatment because of the bad condition he was in. However, the police refused and wanted him returned to prison.

The detain then asked the doctor “would you allow them to take me back to prison by force?”

“I cannot force the patient to stay at the hospital against his wish or the wish of the people responsible for him. However, if the doctor’s advice is refused, the people responsible for taking the patient from the hospital must sign an agreement to take full responsibility if the patient’s health deteriorates.

The police then waited until the shifts changed, and the doctor replaced by another Indian doctor, and asked for a report to allowdetainainee to be released from the hospital and back to prison.

He is now suffering emotionally and healthwise...



Thursday, February 23, 2006

If Only

Due to the attacks that took place to the sacred shrines in Iraq, a massive and multiple demonstrations been carried out in Bahrain. It can be clearly seen that the people of Bahrain condemn these acts of violence.

Many activities will be carried out in the following week in Bahrain for this issue, and the participation will be overwhelming. I can imagine that thousands of people will be marching the roads of Bahrain, screaming their lungs out. Which I am totally with.

However, when I read about all the demonstrations that have been held and will commence in the next few days, I couldn’t help it but to think if only.

Yes, if only the figures who called for these activites and the people who will participate in them did the same to get our rights back.

If the reactions now towards the attacks in Iraq and the participation happens exactly the same towards getting our rights back, I guarantee you that we will have them, and have them all.

If the people march the same way, and scream their lungs out the same way towards getting the constitution they always wanted, they would on a golden plate.

If these condemns by figures and the citizens towards the attacks in Iraq happen the same way towards poverty, jobs, stolen lands, corruption in the government etc. everything will be fixed.

But what can I say, sigh.

I just wish, if only.

Shrine Attacks

First, I would like to express my sadness about the gruesome attacks in Iraq that happened early this morning to the sacred Imam’s shrines. This has to be the most evil thing I have ever witnessed. I have no idea what are the reasons for these attacks, however what I am sure of that they are not related or even close for being called Muslims.

And those attacks were carried by the groups whom they say they are doing this in the name of Islam! What Islam are these people talking about?? They don’t even know what Islam means, they will all burn in hell for their doing. Not just for the attacks today, but for all the kidnapping and killings they have been doing in Iraq.

I send my sympathies to the Iraqi people, to Shia, and to all Muslims, and on behalf of me and my fellow friends, we all condemn these acts of violence.

God help us all.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


The detainees are still in prison, if some of you have forgotten!

Yes, they still are. Every one has been very active about this issue. Trying to help by any means necessary, to help their brethren from the evils doing.

What really suprises
me is that after the court ordered their sentence (some 2 years others 1 year), everyone was waiting something from the king for them to be released. And I believe that they are still waiting.

Nowadays, this case have calmed down, the people that were active about it before, are no longer there. Its like being in a desert. Where have you all been?

Why aren't there any activities to pressure the government to release them. Or are you people seriously going to wait for 2 years for them to be released??!!?

We have to keep it together, and fight for our rights, no matter what the costs are. Those are our brothers in jail, this is our land, and we will fight for our freedom, and claim it victoriously.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


This is just a test.

I want to check whether my topics get posted in or not.

been having this problem for a while now. I bet Mahmood got tired of all the emails I've been writing him about this issue. hehe. Sorry about that Mahmood.

Well, if this thing works this time YAAAY. If not, NAAAY.

*Fingers Crossed*

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Stop! I Demand My Rights! Now!

Yeah, that’s right, I’m talking to the high authorities in Bahrain, who control every little thing in the country.

Stop fooling me around and just hand it over, please.

See, I’m being nice now, I have been nice for the last few decades. I have seen what you have done, what you have done to my people, the people who live on my land, the people who I embraced them warmly.

This is my land and my resources, and it all goes to my people, you are not among them, because you stole what is not rightfully yours.

Seeing my people being treated this way, makes me shed tears on them. Seeing my people have not got the money to buy a loaf of bread to eat. Seeing my people living in the streets having no shelter to be in.

You took everything from them, you stole it all, so you better return it back.

Enough is enough, you took it all, and by God you will not keep it all.

Do you expect me to wait till you give it back? I know you won’t, people like you are greedy, selfish, and ignorant.

I will not wait anymore, I will not sit and listen to the lies you have been spiting on me. Those days are over, a new age is about to be born, a new era.

A time where every Bahraini is happy, living peacefully with all of his rights.

I’m not going to wait anymore, I wont wait till you steal and claim everything, specially I will not let you claim my land.

I demand it all, I demand my rights, I demand my people’s rights.

I Demand Bahrain, For I Am Bahrain

Friday, February 17, 2006

Accidents in Bahrain

The reason I a’m posting this, is because I need a favor from you readers. Yes, that'’s right, a favor.

I'’m taking a course called Transportation Engineering, in this course I wrote a paper titled Road Safety in Bahrain: Speed Monitoring. Where I identified the problems regarding speeding vehicles and that this has been significantly increasing over the past few years. I then proposed a solution to this problem and try to minimize speeding vehicles.

Alright, the favor. I have to make a presentation on this now, so I will be needing some pictures or/and videos of accidents that have happened in Bahrain. Anything would do really.

You have plenty of time, the presentation is due end of March.

If you could email me to this address

Oh, if anyone is interested in reading the paper, I am more than happy to post it, just let me know. As long as no one criticize it lol.

Thank You

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"55555" + "خخخخخخ"

You may wonder what on earth am I talking about right. Well, let me take a moment and clarify this for you people.

I’m pretty sure that many of you use MSN or Yahoo Messenger, or any other chatting software, to chat with friends relative etc.

You’ll be making jokes sometimes, and all of a sudden you get a replay like this “555555” or “خخخخخخخ”. Now, this is a laughter! Which sounds something like khkhkhkhkhkh.

I have never in my life encountered a human being with a laughter that sounds like that, never. If, I have heard a laugh like that, I will be like “hey man, I think there is something stuck in your throat, you might want that checked”. Seriously.

That’s that, I'm not even going to bother mentioning “h3h3h3h3” or “k3k3k3k3”, let’s leave that for another post, shall we.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Spreading Peace in Iraq

Watch Me!

As soon as I watched this video, I really felt a strong rage of anger building inside of me. Why? Because of those British troops beating the living hell out of what seems to be youths.

And I thought that the British are a bit more mature and human, but I was wrong. And to prove this video is real, the British government had “acted” towards these soldiers.

Read story Here.

I still do not understand why American and British military units are doing in Iraq. I mean, okay Saddam has been removed, that’s what the US government was “after”, why stay?

Valentine in Japan

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese women are fed up with a longstanding Valentine's Day custom requiring them to give chocolates to men without getting any in return.

According to an Internet survey, 70 percent of working women said they would be happy if there was no tradition of giving "obligatory chocolates" to their boyfriends or colleagues.

Nearly 60 percent said they felt unhappy as Valentine's Day approached, citing the cost and time it takes to shop for the gifts, which are finely calculated to express just the right emotions toward a boss, a colleague or a true boyfriend.

The custom has grown into a sweet 50 billion yen ($424.6 million) market for Japan's chocolate makers, some of whom rake in 20 to 30 percent of annual profits in a few short weeks.

Confectionary maker Morozoff Ltd. is widely credited with having introduced Valentine's Day to Japan with a 1936 advertisement for chocolates, but it wasn't until two decades later that Mary Chocolate Co. Ltd. used the day to promote chocolate sales.

"Our then-president admired how American women could express their feelings to men, and thought it would be good if Japanese women could do the same," said Yoko Usami, a spokeswoman for Mary Chocolate.

A month later, on what is known as "White Day," men are supposed to return the favor, usually by giving sweets -- a task that they too are far from happy with, the survey found.

Fifty percent of men said shopping for a return present was bothersome, and they don't like to be compared with others.

"Certainly things have now changed so women can freely express their affection, so the Valentine's Day custom isn't essential," Usami said.

"But it allows people to acknowledge their own feelings, so I think it's still nice to have."

In a reflection of the changing times, perhaps, retailers say that women are now becoming much more likely to buy pricey chocolates costing up to $200 a box as a special treat -- for themselves.

I think we should cancel valentine once and for all!

Embaressing Moment

Valentine’s Day

Today marks 14th February 2005, aka Valentine’s Day.

Millions of couples around the world celebrate this occasion by organizing a romantic day with their companion and do something very special.

This is mostly a west tradition; hence it is not practiced within the Arab – Islamic region.

However, I have noticed in the past few years that this “western tradition” became very popular in not just the Arab countries, but I personally noticed this in Bahrain.

You could actually see couples going on a shopping spree; trying to get flowers, hearts, chocolates, teddy bears…etc you name it.

I’m not saying its right nor wrong, its sweet in a way, it’s just not me adopting traditions from another place, specially the west.

Do we really need a day to express our gratitude to our loved ones? Can’t we just appreciate them every single day? I say we make valentine’s day an everyday basses.

Therefore, me and my wife decided to take the effort and make a day for ourselves, and call it “Our Day” hehe… we did not name it yet, but will be soon. I’m still not sure what will the plane be on this day, and what we might be doing. What I do know is it will be super awesome.

Monday, February 13, 2006

3D Paint Jobs

These rooms were painted to look 3-dimensional from certain angles. Now this gives me ideas…

Talk about being creative, this is so awesome!

17 Year Old Girl Sentenced To Death

Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Jan. 07 – An Iranian court has sentenced a teenage rape victim to death by hanging after she weepingly confessed that she had unintentionally killed a man who had tried to rape both her and her niece.

The state-run daily Etemaad reported on Saturday that 18-year-old Nazanin confessed to stabbing one of three men who had attacked the pair along with their boyfriends while they were spending some time in a park west of the Iranian capital in March 2005.

Nazanin, who was 17 years old at the time of the incident, said that after the three men started to throw stones at them, the two girls’ boyfriends quickly escaped on their motorbikes leaving the pair helpless.

She described how the three men pushed her and her 16-year-old niece Somayeh onto the ground and tried to rape them, and said that she took out a knife from her pocket and stabbed one of the men in the hand.

As the girls tried to escape, the men once again attacked them, and at this point, Nazanin said, she stabbed one of the men in the chest. The teenage girl, however, broke down in tears in court as she explained that she had no intention of killing the man but was merely defending herself and her younger niece from rape, the report said.

The court, however, issued on Tuesday a sentence for Nazanin to be hanged to death.

Last week, a court in the city of Rasht, northern Iran, sentenced Delara Darabi to death by hanging charged with murder when she was 17 years old. Darabi has denied the charges.

In August 2004, Iran’s Islamic penal system sentenced a 16-year-old girl, Atefeh Rajabi, to death after a sham trial, in which she was accused of committing “acts incompatible with chastity”.

The teenage victim had no access to a lawyer at any stage and efforts by her family to retain one were to no avail. Atefeh personally defended herself and told the religious judge that he should punish those who force women into adultery, not the victims. She was eventually hanged in public in the northern town of Neka.


Im not sure how true this is, but it is very shocking.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Is It Really Freedom Of Speech?

I’m not really sure about the whole issue of the cartoons that have been published in many newspapers around Europe. Not to mention the reaction of Muslims around the globe.

It started in Denmark, and then to France... etc
Then Jordan published some of the cartoons as well.

They all say its freedom of speech, but it back fired at them strongly.

So, does that mean freedom of speech has its limit?

If Muslims just ignored this issue, will it become a habit that Islam will be insulted? (It’s not like it haven't been for that last decades).

And if the Muslims react strongly and aggressively they're called violent and hateful.

So how should we (Muslims) react?

I wonder!!!

Please let me hear your intakes about this.