Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"55555" + "خخخخخخ"

You may wonder what on earth am I talking about right. Well, let me take a moment and clarify this for you people.

I’m pretty sure that many of you use MSN or Yahoo Messenger, or any other chatting software, to chat with friends relative etc.

You’ll be making jokes sometimes, and all of a sudden you get a replay like this “555555” or “خخخخخخخ”. Now, this is a laughter! Which sounds something like khkhkhkhkhkh.

I have never in my life encountered a human being with a laughter that sounds like that, never. If, I have heard a laugh like that, I will be like “hey man, I think there is something stuck in your throat, you might want that checked”. Seriously.

That’s that, I'm not even going to bother mentioning “h3h3h3h3” or “k3k3k3k3”, let’s leave that for another post, shall we.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You actually sound surprised..! =P

considering the fact that I sometimes laugh like that on the msn, I wont make fun of it.. But I must admit that we dont really hear it very often.. ;)

9:35 AM  
Blogger SillyBahrainiGirl said...


10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like when we smile or have or a 'small' laughter on something ironic or silly...we more sound like 555555 or hshhhhhhhh (shaking heads in disbelief I would say)

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i use 55555 to denote that i am angry (sha5ra)

ask an egyptian

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Thailand the number five5 pronunce HA.
555555 = Ha ha ha ha ha
That's simple: )

9:03 AM  

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