Or the official name Calla Lily Terracotta
Which I do not know what it is exactly, but it sure looks nice.
Well, Mahmood is the expert, maybe he can enlighten us by giving some info on this beautiful flower.
The Story
I went to a supermarket last week to get some groceries, as I was walking through the ails, I came across a nice section of plants and flowers. I have always wanted to get a plant and have it in my room, to add natural look.
So I browsed the section, and came across this deal. Where you get the full luxury to plant from scratch. I was so excited about this that I had to get it, so I did.
Came back home, entered my room, and started planting. The procedure was very simple and straight forward. Hey, ofcourse it is, but bare in mind that the only time I did a similar project was in kindergarden where I had to bring a small plate, cottons, water, sugar, and small seeds or some sort. And the thing would grow in matter of days, which was cool. Anyways that was over 20 years ago.
Back to the future. I got my sister's digital camera (mine was stolen a week ago) and started shooting a step by step planting sequence of Lily (that's what i call her).
In this picture, i removed the cover surrounding the pot and inside there are the compost.

There is the normal dark moisten "sand" and shreaded wood (which i dont know what is it used for)

I opened the bag of "sand"

And gently throw it in the pot

Pic showing "sand" in pot

This is the seed, or rhizome. It should be placed 5cm deep, and "eyes" facing upwards

5cm deep, "eyes" facing upwards

I covered it with "sand" then I placed the shreaded wood on top (dont ask why)

Placed it infront of me close to the window, so it could get some sun, and a nice view.

hopefully, when it grows, it will look something like this.
If not its written on the cover that "We are happy to refund or replace any product which falls below the high standard you expect"
In other words, if it dies (god forbids) i can have another one :D
But i am taking a good care of Lily, she will grow and blossom nicely.
Thank You